
Summary of the Messages

1. The Treasure of the Eucharist
The Eucharist is an infinite treasure because it is the true and real presence of our Adorable Jesus, who is inexpressibly in love with humanity. As He proclaims in Divine Appeal 108:

"In My Eucharist I am ever there in the tabernacle waiting with boundless love."

This treasure reflects the profound mystery of His enduring presence under the forms of Bread and Wine, a mystery of love and intimacy with souls.

2. Reverence Among Ministers
The Eucharist, the "Sacrament of Love," demands faith and reverence, especially from those entrusted with its administration. Some ministers fail to meet this sacred duty, causing Our Lord deep sorrow. Their lack of reverence is a significant offense, as Jesus desires their faithfulness to match His sacrificial love.

3. Blessings for Visitors to the Blessed Sacrament
A great reward awaits those who visit the Blessed Sacrament, for in His Eucharistic presence, Jesus pours His infinite mercy into souls. As He states in Divine Appeal 184:

"As I am exposed, I will pour the treasures of my Infinite Mercy into human souls."

Frequent visits to the Eucharist are thus a profound act of devotion that unites the soul with the infinite mercy of Christ.

4. The Call to Consecrated Souls
Consecrated souls should no longer offend the Lord, for their sins cause Him immense pain. The rejection and coldness of some priests and religious wound His Sacred Heart. In Divine Appeal 29, Jesus laments:

"Both hatred and emptiness have fettered them to evil. They do not think that they cause Me so much pain."

These souls are called to humility, repentance, and a return to His loving embrace.

5. The Sin of Sacrilege
Jesus addresses the grave sacrilege committed by Freemasons, apostate priests, and others who desecrate the Eucharist, particularly through theft for diabolic purposes such as black masses. In Divine Appeal 24, He declares:

"Just like Judas they sell Me."

Yet His mercy remains available for repentance, as affirmed in Divine Appeal 19:

"Whoever frees his mind from mundane affairs and returns to My heart will have My forgiveness."

6. Parental Responsibility for Souls
Parents bear a grave responsibility for the souls of their children. Many, through neglect of faith, lead their children to perdition. In Divine Appeal 45, Jesus warns:

"So many from their childhood years are heading to perdition through the fault of their parents who no longer want to hear about the Eternal Father’s existence."

7. A Warning of Divine Justice
While Jesus' Divine Mercy is boundless, it is followed by Divine Justice. This echoes the New Testament's teachings that we will reap what we sow (cf. Galatians 6:7-8). As expressed in Divine Appeal 102, He pleads for prayers and atonement to calm the Father’s wrath.

8. Sins Against the Eucharist
The Eucharist, as the "Sacrament of My Love," must never be treated lightly. The offenses against it deeply wound Jesus. In Divine Appeal 103, He mourns:

"I suffer the pain of seeing souls falling into perdition each and every minute."

Souls are called to acts of atonement and fervent prayer for these sins.

9. The Darkness of Evil
Satan seeks to darken and corrupt souls, turning them against themselves and each other. In Divine Appeal 105, Jesus describes evil as a "horrible serpentine monster" that coils around souls. He warns in Divine Appeal 108:

"This perverse world is like a persecuting dragon."

All humanity—good and bad alike—must prepare, for Jesus lovingly grants us time to repent (Divine Appeal 34).

10. The Immensity of Jesus' Mercy
Jesus does not desire the loss of any soul. His mercy is immense, and even the smallest act of repentance is enough to receive His forgiveness. In Divine Appeal 1, He tenderly assures us:

"I wait for them. My mercy is immense. If they accept, their repentance is sufficient. I ask for faith, intimacy, and confidence."

1 comment:


Divine Appeal Reflection - 182 Today, consider in Divine Appeal 182:    "In My Church Lucifer marches... I want souls to know that I ca...