
Divine Appeal Messages on Confession

Jesus asks for frequent and sincere confessions.

27th November 1997
Cloister souls in your heart; in the first line the souls I entrusted
souls. I am completely theirs at the moment of consecration in the
Holy Mass. With tears of blood I am bent over all mankind. I am
bleeding from pain and My heart is torn into pieces. I implore you
to quench My thirst. This is the apocalyptical hour; it is urgent for
mankind to be conscious of this terrible reality. Pray and atone. Do
not lose any minute of this precious time. My desire is that mankind
be converted through prayers, sacraments, confessions, holy
sacrifices of the Mass and rosaries. If not then I will no longer retain
the Divine Justice of My Eternal Father.

22nd February 1998

Pray, atone, do penance and acts of reparation. Go to confession.
Receive Me and do acts of reparation not only for yourself.

24th July 1998
I implore you to reflect seriously upon what is happening in all
mankind. I tell you it is unthinkable to souls. The nations will be
Razed to the ground. Pray without ceasing, continuously follow
attentively each word in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, receive Me
in Holy Communion. Go often to confession! Abandon yourself in
My heart. I thirst for souls and I beg you to quench My thirst.

6th August 1998
I am bleeding from pain, and My heart is torn into pieces by this
corrupted mankind! I urgently ask for prayers. Acts of reparation,
confessions, adoration in the Sacrament of My Love and Holy
Rosaries. Remember that I am here visible and that I am stretching
out a helping hand. I am always the Lamb of My Eternal Father who
takes away the sins of the world. Do not be troubled how you should
Love Me and serve Me.

24th September 1998
My daughter, I implore you to pray, do penance, acts of contrition
also for other poor souls. Go to confession, attend Holy Sacrifice of
Mass with all your attention. Receive Me in the Holy Communion
and keep Me company in Adoration. As I am exposed I will pour the
treasure of My Merciful Love to the souls of poor mankind. It is not
My wish for mankind to perish. Do not be afraid of sufferings – I
speak to you amid tears of blood.

29th October 1998
My desire is that mankind be converted through prayer and
Sacraments, Holy Masses of atonement, confessions, penance,
Rosaries. If not then unthinkable punishment will befall mankind
which does not want to listen to Me.

17th December 1998
All those who want to believe and who live prepared to await the
moment of Divine Justice must retreat from worldly diversions,
vanity, useless television programmes as well as be purified in
the Holy Spirit with a great Love of the Holy Eucharist; receive
Holy communion, Holy Confessions, Adoration; as I am exposed
I will pour the treasures of My Divine Mercy to souls, Rosary and
penance... penance... penance, if only they want to have strength to
endure and survive.

1st June 2001
This dark night I assure you of My infinite Divine Mercy. I will
also be speaking to you in the silence of your heart if you allow Me
your attention and fasting. Let your strength and your perseverance
be in the Most Holy Eucharist. Every week you must receive the
Sacrament of Penance, Reconciliation as it was from the beginning,
adoration, meditation and Rosary. You must always come with a
sincere penitent heart to receive My Body and Blood with reverence
because I am all holiness from whom you can hide nothing. You
must pray with total simplicity – My ways are simple.

22nd May 2008
Be always attentive and obedient to My Apostle of the last days.
You must heed all what he tells you. I have given him My grace and
wisdom to guide you along My Road. You must not waste any of
My precious time for conversion of souls before it is too late. The
Red Lucifer is very busy trying to destroy you in all ways. Do not
be afraid. I am protecting you. Abandon yourself totally to Me in
prayer. I guide you through My Apostle of the last days, heed his
words always. My Apostle has to tell the souls I entrusted souls to
always be humble and obedient as I am obedient to them during
consecration. They must ask for pardon and do reparation for the
misuse of My Mercy, especially for the abuse of My Sacraments,
especially the Sacrament of penance and the Holy Eucharist.

9th July 2009
I implore you My daughter to pray and make reparation and sacrifice
and do confessions not only for yourself. Repent, Repent, Repent!
For those poor souls who have refused to repent and make sacrifices.
Don’t be surprised that your life is always a place of suffering. I beg
for souls.

30th July 2009
I implore My Apostle of the last days to speak out to these souls.
I want from him “small hosts” to atone for the crimes which are
committed everyday in the first line by the souls I entrusted souls.
In monasteries and convents, tongues and lips which receive Me in
the Holy Communion are used for very bad unkind words daily. In
confession very few repent sincerely. I need My Apostle to speak
this, I will give him strength to do so. I will increase My graces in
him! Although I will let his suffering be increased. I see that he is
using well the grace of total reliance on Me. The Red Lucifer knows
of this therefore he strives to deprive him of it with all his strength.
I am with him! I will sow in his soul the seeds of My graces. I need
many prayers and Holy Sacrifices of Masses of atonement for the
salvation of these poor souls.

18th March 2010
My daughter, pray a great deal and do penance, acts of reparation.
Do confession not only for yourself alone. I thirst for souls, like a
beggar I beg for souls. I pour My tears of blood over them. What
more could I have suffered for the salvation of mankind. Mankind
have lost My Eternal Father’s way. They are dominated by the spirit
of the Red Lucifer. My Eternal Father’s Justice weighs over a slimes-
splattered mankind! The roads are washed in their own blood. Many
diseases will come and also hunger, earthquakes, deluges, wars!

1 comment:


Divine Appeal Reflection - 182 Today, consider in Divine Appeal 182:    "In My Church Lucifer marches... I want souls to know that I ca...