Jesus calls us to adore Him in the exposition of the Holy Eucharist,
that is, in the Sacrament of His Love. All the messages of the Divine
Appeal have this urgent request. The selection below is but a small
number and does not encompass everything. However, it tells us that
in adoring Jesus in the Holy Eucharist we are sure to receive God’s
Mercy which humanity is in great need of at this present time.
19th February 1998
As I am exposed, I will pour the treasures of My Mercy to the souls.
I am bleeding from pain.
5th March 1998
In the Sacrament of My Love, as I am exposed, I will pour the
treasures of My Merciful Love to the souls of mankind.
2nd April 1998
As I am exposed I will pour the treasures of My Love and Mercy to
the souls of mankind.
7th May 1998
In the Sacrament of My Love I must be exposed for as I am exposed
I will pour the treasures of My Love and Mercy to the souls. Do not
lose time. Pray, pray, do not be afraid or tire.
18th June 1998
In the Sacrament of My Love as I am exposed I will pour the
treasures of My mercy in the souls of mankind.
24th July 1998
As I am exposed I will pour the treasures of My Loving Mercy to
the souls of mankind. Talk to Me and listen to Me in these Holy
moments of My mystical grace.
24th September 1998
As I am exposed I will pour the treasure of My Merciful Love to the
souls of poor mankind. It is not My wish for mankind to perish. Do
not be afraid of sufferings – I speak to you amid tears of blood.
17th December 1998
All those who want to believe and who live prepared to await the
moment of Divine Justice must retreat from worldly diversions,
vanity, useless television programmes as well as be purified in
the Holy Spirit with a great Love of the Holy Eucharist; receive
Holy communion, Holy Confessions, Adoration; as I am exposed
I will pour the treasures of My Divine Mercy to souls, Rosary and
penance... penance... penance, if only they want to have strength to
endure and survive.
25th February 1999
As I am exposed in the Sacrament of My Love I will pour all the
treasures of My Love and Mercy into the human souls. In My Love
and Mercy you will find the source of Light. Do not lose My precious
time for salvation of souls. These are grave hours.
12th October 1999
29th April 2010
As I am exposed I will pour the treasures of My Divine Mercy to
13th May 2010
In the Sacrament of My Love I have so many graces but mankind
has refused to collaborate with Me. As I am exposed I will pour the
treasures of My Love to mankind.
17th June 2010
As I am exposed I will pour the treasures of My loving mercy to the
souls of mankind. My daughter, pray and do penance and reparation
during this Secret hour. Do not lose this precious time for salvation
of souls. Countless number are on the brink of the pit. Sin is an
infinite offense against My heart.
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