
Sunday, February 9, 2025


Divine Appeal Reflection - 189

Today, consider in Divine Appeal 189:  "In each particle of the Blessed Host I am very present just as I am at the right hand of the Eternal Father. I leave Myself in this mystery in order to give souls a good and blessed chance to practice true faith so that souls may know My mysteries so stupendous! It is my great love for mankind that keeps Me in this form and exposed to all humiliations.

In the Most Holy Eucharist, we encounter the profound humility and boundless love of our Adorable Jesus. The King of kings, who reigns in eternal glory, chooses to veil His divine majesty under the simple appearances of bread and wine. Though He is seated at the right hand of the Eternal Father, He humbles Himself to dwell silently in tabernacles across the world, often unnoticed and unappreciated. This divine mystery reveals a love so deep that our Adorable Jesus willingly exposes Himself to neglect, irreverence, and even sacrilege, all to remain close to the souls He loves (cf. Philippians 2:6-7).

The humility of our Adorable Jesus in the Eucharist surpasses human understanding. He who created the heavens and the earth chooses to be hidden in the smallest particle of the Blessed Host. This self-emptying love is not limited to the Incarnation but continues in the Eucharist, where He makes Himself vulnerable to the coldness and indifference of hearts. His Real Presence remains, patiently waiting in silence, longing for even the smallest act of love from His children. In this hidden form, He draws near to us so that no soul may feel unworthy to approach Him (cf. John 1:3).

While His humility is astonishing, it is His boundless love that compels Him to remain with us. Our Adorable Jesus endures countless offenses without withdrawing His presence, fulfilling His promise to be with us always, even to the end of time (cf. Matthew 28:20). His silent presence in the Blessed Sacrament reveals the depth of His enduring love, a love that longs deeply for our hearts. The longing He expressed during His Passion continues in the Eucharist—not as a desire for physical relief, but as a profound yearning for souls, for our love and attention (cf. John 19:28).

In response to the humility and love of our Adorable Jesus, we are called to offer consolation to His Real Presence through acts of reverence, adoration, and reparation. Every moment spent before the Blessed Sacrament is not just a blessing for our souls but a source of comfort to His Eucharistic Heart, wounded by indifference and neglect. By acknowledging His hidden presence with love, making visits to the tabernacle, and offering heartfelt prayers, we become the consolation that His Heart so deeply longs for. May we never grow indifferent, but instead approach Him with faith, gratitude, and tender love, recognizing in the Blessed Sacrament the greatest gift of all—our Adorable Jesus, humbly and silently waiting for us.


Oh Adorable Jesus, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament, receive this prayer as consolation to Your Real Presence. Accept our love, gratitude, and humble adoration. Forgive our indifference and the offenses of the world. May our hearts always thirst for You, who remain with us in silence and boundless love. 

Sr. Anna Ali of the Most Holy Eucharist, intercede for us.

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