(Revelation to Sr Anna Ali of the Most Holy Eucharist)
I pour my tears of blood over mankind because there is no response
given to the voice of My clemency.
My daughter, pray a great deal. Watch with Me in these dark hours.
Behold the Sacrament of My Love for mankind. Be very attentive to
My words. You must make restitution and be on the cross with Me.
Pray, suffer and atone. Do acts of repentance even for other souls.
I want mankind to know the seriousness of the terrible state of the
world, to understand the inexorable Justice of My Eternal Father.
He has been attacked and His Majesty is terribly outraged by the
mankind that He created out of love. I have lowered Myself to this
level in order to warn mankind to Repent.
I pour My tears of blood over mankind because there is no response
given to the voice of My clemency. Time is nearing when I will
no longer ask for anything. Rather I will take everything with My
Eternal Father’s force and put the world in its casket. No one will
escape the Divine Judgment.
What more could I have suffered for the salvation of mankind.
Like a beggar I ask for souls to reflect deeply on the Evil which
is being provoked in the presence of My Eternal Father. They are
racing toward the precipice of perdition. All those who want to
believe and are prepared to await the moment of Divine Justice
must pray and do penance. The holy hours, Masses of Atonement,
Rosaries, Meditation and Adoration of the Sacrament of My Love.
All this is to implore for the mitigation of the Evil in mankind.
The souls are allied with the Red Lucifer, with his demons he has
infiltrated into My church. Red Lucifer stalks among the Cardinals,
the Bishops, the Prelates, consecrated souls and lay people. Among
them there is a diabolical transformation.
In convents, I receive terrible whips from the tongues and lips.
Always your lips are still bloody after receiving Me in the Sacrament
of My Love. Countless number of them have no time for Me. They
do everything in their allocated time. Every moment will pass away
except the moment spent for Me.
My daughter, I implore you to cloister souls in your heart; in the first
line the souls I entrusted souls. Do not be surprised or frightened
that you now hear My serious voice and strange in the Abyss of your
soul. No one can cross My plans. Place your confidence totally in
Do not regard your misery for when you leave it to Me it gives place
for My infinite clemency.
Be always conscious and concerned about poor sinners who need
My clemency.
12th December 1996
3.00 a.m.
Copyright © 2015 Bishop Cornelius K. Arap Korir, Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, Kenya. All rights reserved. Reproduced from ON THE EUCHARIST: A DIVINE APPEAL, Volume 1 by www.adivineappeal.com
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