Divine Appeal Reflection - 197
Today, consider in Divine Appeal 197: "This is an urgent plea for all mankind; if it refuses My love and clemency and refuses to repent, it will have to face My Divine Justice. I love mankind with unconditional love but the fact remains My Eternal Father will not be mocked forever."
Our Adorable Jesus, warns all mankind that continued rejection of His love and refusal to repent will lead to the inevitable reality of facing His Divine Justice. While His love is boundless and unconditional, He reminds us that God cannot be ridiculed endlessly without consequence. The Catholic Church's Catechism affirms that God, in His patience, allows time for repentance, but those who harden their hearts and continue to sin risk eternal separation from Him (CCC 1864). Sacred Scripture also teaches that everyone will eventually suffer the consequences of their choices, whether for good or bad (cf. Galatians 6:7).
Mocking God is not limited to overt blasphemy or irreverent speech. It is often expressed more subtly—through a willful disregard for His commandments, a lifestyle that defies His moral law, or a presumptuous attitude that exploits His mercy while persisting in sin. Our Adorable Jesus suffers deeply when souls, whom He loves with infinite tenderness, treat His mercy as a license to offend Him. The Word of God warns that God’s displeasure is revealed against those who suppress the truth by their sinful actions and deny His rightful authority (cf. Romans 1:18). Though God is patient, persistent rebellion provokes His justice.
This Divine Appeal calls every soul to serious self-examination. Do we live in a manner that mocks God by professing faith with our lips but denying Him in our daily actions? Do we delay conversion, presuming that God’s mercy will always be available? The Catechism states that mortal sin kills the divine life within us, separating us from God unless we repent (cf. CCC 1855). God's delay in executing judgment is not an endorsement of wrongdoing, but rather an act of kindness that allows time for conversion. However, those who continue to abuse His patience will eventually face His judgment, for He is not deceived by outward appearances.
Our Adorable Jesus longs for the salvation of all; but what is agony for us is that His grief reminds us that time is not infinite. Therefore, we must respond now with sincere repentance, turning from sin and seeking reconciliation with God. Furthermore , we are to pray for the conversion of sinners and offer sacrifices on behalf of mockers who continue to offend God. Our Blessed Virgin Mary continually places us in the attitude of prayer and penance so that we may avoid the just consequences of our sins. God's mercy remains open to all humble hearts who come to Him, but those who scorn this mercy will encounter His justice (cf. Isaiah 55:6). Let us seek the refuge of His Heart while there is still time.
Oh our Adorable Jesus, have mercy on us and on all mankind. Rescue us from the blindness of sin and the danger of mocking Your mercy. Lead our hearts to true repentance and strengthen us in fidelity to Your will. Gather all souls into the refuge of Your Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament.
Sr. Anna Ali of the Most Holy Eucharist, intercede for us.
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