
Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Divine Appeal Reflection - 162

Today, consider in Divine Appeal 162: "Pray a great deal and bring Me souls – those who do not want Me, those who seek Me, consecrated souls who do not listen or obey My Servant John Paul II. I agonise over My Church."

The CCC teaches that the Church's authority is a divine gift, intended to guide the faithful in truth and holiness (cf. CCC 85). This authority is not confined to the personal will of the Pope but serves as a safeguard for the Church, protecting it from error and allowing Christ to continue His salvific work (cf. CCC 882). When disobedience arises within the Church, whether from priests, consecrated souls, or the laity, it is not just a personal failing but a refusal to recognize the divine structure Christ established. Such disobedience contributes to the sorrow that our Adorable Jesus experiences, as it weakens the Church’s unity and mission.

Saints like Augustine and Thomas Aquinas insisted on the fact that obedience is a matter of keeping both the truth and unity of the Church. For Augustine, communion with Christ, as the Head of the Church (cf. Letter 53), is inseparable from communion with the Church. It is meant to obey Christ's will for him, not as an external act but as an inner disposition of the heart. St. Thomas, on similar lines, teaches that obedience is the root of all virtues, a prerequisite of internal progress and communion within the Church (cf. Summa Theologica, II-II, Q. 104, A. 3). In fact, disobedience is not limited to an individual's option alone; it is a spiritual injury to the Church at large.

In the light of St. Paul’s teaching (cf. Rom 13:1), the faithful are called to humble submission to governing authorities, recognizing that all authority is divinely ordained by God. This teaching finds its highest expression in the Church, where the Pope and her leaders exercise authority instituted by Christ Himself for the sanctification and guidance of His Mystical Body. Sacred Scripture exhorts the faithful to honor and obey the authority established by God as part of His divine plan for order and holiness.

Our Adorable Jesus asks us to pray for the restoration of faithfulness and harmony within His Church in response to this disobedience. We can console our Adorable Jesus and aid in restoring the Church to her sanctity and purity by fostering a renewed spirit of obedience among the faithful, especially those entrusted with leadership roles. By embracing this call to fidelity, the Church is strengthened in her divine mission to lead souls to Christ, reflecting His holiness and love more perfectly to the world.


O our Adorable Jesus, we beg You to heal the wounds of disobedience within Your Church. Grant us the grace to listen to Your voice through the Pope and faithfully follow Your teachings. May we be instruments of unity, bringing souls back to Your loving embrace. 

Sr. Anna Ali of the Most Holy Eucharist, intercede for us.

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