
Saturday, September 21, 2024


Divine Appeal Reflection  - 128

Today, consider in Divine Appeal 128:  "In the sacrament of My Love I need you to kneel without fear."

More than a mere physical act, kneeling before the Eucharist is a profound display of inner submission to God's majesty. We fully surrender to God's will as we kneel, recognizing His greatness and our own limitations. Our humility before God and our dependence on His mercy are shown through this gesture. By assuming this position, we express with our bodies what our hearts believe—that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist, particularly during the Consecration at Mass, when the bread and wine become His Body and Blood. Kneeling during this sacred moment signifies our deep reverence and faith in this mystery.

Regrettably, many people in today's world no longer approach the Blessed Sacrament with the same reverence and purity. Jesus' words, "I need you to kneel without fear," reveal His sadness over the lack of respect and casual attitudes often observed in modern liturgical events. He urges us to restore the sacred act of kneeling, especially during the Consecration, as a reflection of our internal belief in His True Presence. Our kneeling must be sincere—a genuine act of devotion from the heart. Jesus also reminds us not to hesitate to adopt this humble posture, whether out of fear or societal pressures. Beyond the Consecration, it is crucial to kneel in adoration after partaking of Holy Communion, as we are united intimately with Jesus. This moment of kneeling is a profound gesture of thanksgiving and love for the divine gift of His Body and Blood. St. Paul teaches the duty of reverence, urging that every knee should bend at the name of Jesus, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth (Philippians 2:10). 

Our Adorable Jesus encourages us to kneel without fear, setting aside doubt, hesitation, or apathy. In a world often overshadowed by secularism and spiritual indifference, Christ calls us to re-embrace a holy reverence—not one stemming from fear, but from awe of His magnificence and love. To kneel before the Eucharist without fear is an act of faith and confidence, acknowledging our unworthiness while accepting His divine mercy. This fearless devotion, particularly during the Consecration and after receiving Holy Communion, opens our hearts to Christ's grace, healing, and transformation. Additionally, Jesus desires us to spend time with Him in our daily lives. Making the effort to visit a Catholic church when passing by and briefly kneeling in adoration during our hectic schedules is a simple yet powerful display of love, inviting Jesus into every moment of our lives.


Our Adorable Jesus, with love and humility, we offer our hearts to Your divine plan. Fill us with grace and mercy, and fortify our faith. May our genuine reverence lead our adoration, trusting in Your boundless love and finding solace in Your sacred presence.

Sr. Anna Ali of the Most Holy Eucharist, intercede for us.

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