
Saturday, August 24, 2024


Divine Appeal Reflection  - 117

Today, consider in Divine Appeal 117: "I want you to mortify yourself corporal, receive the suffering with joy and with no fear because it will repair for the mortification of many souls who could be lost in perdition."

In the spiritual journey, every soul encounters the reality of sin, which seeks to draw us away from the grace and love of God. Any offense against God opens the door to the influence of the demons of sin, which are ever eager to ensnare souls in darkness and lead them away from salvation. This appeal highlights the necessity of self-denial and the embracing of suffering as a means of spiritual purification and reparation for the sins of the world.

Jesus encourages us to embrace interior mortifications, acts of self-denial and sacrifice that cleanse our souls and atone for the sins of others, in addition to prayer, which is crucial. Mortification involves more than just outward penances; it also involves a person's innermost disposition. It is putting an end to our self-centered wants, giving up bad habits, and lovingly offering up our sufferings in order to save humanity. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux once said, "To pick up a pin for love can convert a soul." This brief yet insightful remark demonstrates the impact of little acts of sacrifice made with a great deal of love. Any act of mortification, whatever of magnitude, has the capacity to undo the harm brought about by sin and to draw down God’s mercy upon the world.

Jesus’ Divine Appeal 117 further emphasizes the importance of receiving suffering with a joyful heart, untainted by fear. When combined with Christ's Passion, suffering becomes a potent tool for atonement and sanctification. We become more like Christ—who died on the Cross to save humanity—through suffering. We share in Christ's redeeming mission when we joyfully embrace our trials and crosses. When our sufferings are offered in unity with His, they acquire a salvific significance, helping to save souls that might otherwise perish in damnation. This is the profound truth that is at the core of the Catholic faith: the mystery of redemptive suffering.

May Our Adorable Jesus, be glorified in the salvation of countless souls through our humble acts of prayer and mortification. With the loving intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary, who faithfully stood by Jesus at the foot of the Cross, may we unite our sufferings with His, offering them with joy and love. Through this sacred union with Christ's Passion, and under the tender care of Mary, may the light of His mercy shine brightly in the hearts of all who are ensnared by the demons of sin. Together with Our Lady, may we contribute to the redemption of the world, bringing honor and glory to our Lord, who desires nothing more than to save souls and lead them to eternal life.


O Adorable Jesus, who bears the weight of our sins in the Sacrament of Your Love, draw us ever closer to Your Sacred Heart. May we willingly take up our crosses with joy, combining them with Your suffering through the loving intercession of Mother Mary for the salvation of souls and the triumph of Your mercy.

Sr. Anna Ali of the Most Holy Eucharist, intercede for us.

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