
Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Divine Appeal Reflection  - 86

Today, consider in Divine Appeal 86: "I am very near to souls but they reject Me and prefer their own ways. These are grave moments. What grieves Me most is... Many doubt Me even though they have given Me their lives but their hearts remain closed. I call them all back to My sheepfold."

Jesus' assertion of His closeness to humanity underscores a central tenet of the Catholic faith: the realization of the idea of the incarnation. Jesus became a man in order to live among us, which is a sign that God wants to be closely related to us. This profound truth is summed up in John 1:14 and reconfirmed in Matthew 28:20. These passages confirm that Jesus is forever with us, not just in history but also through the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, where He is really present in body, blood, soul, and divinity. Even though Jesus is really close to the people, many of them still refuse to accept Him and only follow their own ways. This tendency is captured in John 3:19 and also in Isaiah 53:6. The scriptures show humanity's constant tendency to favor self-will instead of following the divine will, which separates them from God.

Jesus refers to the present as "grave moments," meaning the era is characterized by significant moral and spiritual crisis. The Bible often speaks of such times, inviting souls to repent and go back to God. For instance, Matthew 24:12 emphasizes how people are becoming less genuine in their love and compassion as a result of the growing prevalence of sin. In the face of pervasive corruption and indifference, souls are called to hold firm to their faith and love for God and neighbor. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 very clearly explains how people will prioritize earthly pleasures and self-indulgence over their love for God, ultimately rejecting the genuine meaning and power of faith. These passages underline the seriousness of not turning to God and the consequent downfall of both individual souls and society as a whole.

In addition, Jesus expresses sorrow about the fact that even those who have dedicated their lives to Him still have doubts. The inner struggle between faith and doubt is a common theme in the Bible. A distraught father in Mark 9:24 asks Jesus to heal his son, and in Matthew 14:31, Jesus corrects Peter for his doubt. These verses demonstrate that even devoted followers experience doubt but Jesus promises to strengthen their faith through a sympathetic response, highlighting how doubt is normal on the path of faith and is met with Jesus' kindness and encouragement to strengthen faith.

John 10:11-16 is a perfect depiction of Jesus' shepherdly love, and this theme is further deepened by the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15:4-7. These passages highlight Jesus's constant and loving plea for each person to come back to His love, demonstrating His position as the savior and protector of all. May the messages and experiences of Sr. Anna Ali continue to inspire us to heed Jesus' call, returning to His loving embrace and strengthening our faith in His constant presence and divine mercy.

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