
Thursday, May 9, 2024



(Revelation to Sr Anna Ali of the Most Holy Eucharist)


“The sins of mankind wound Me.”

“My daughter, pray and atone. I hold you a prisoner in Me. I ask you 
for acts of reparation for offences inflicted on Me by My own...

In the Sacrament of My Love I am ever waiting in the tabernacle with 
boundless love until souls come back to Me.

Many of My own... do not understand how much I love them. They
do not know I yearn to draw them back to Myself. I am calling souls.
I want to forgive. My Heart is overflowing with Love and Mercy
waiting for souls. Pray a great deal and never be tired. The souls that
I love so much despise Me. I am thirsting for souls. Give Me souls in
your prayers. What a pain for Me to see that souls are eternally lost.
Souls wound Me pitilessly. I desire them to know how much I love
them and wait for them.

The sins of mankind wound Me deeply but not nearly so much as
those of My own... What a pain to Me to see many led and many
labouring hard to abolish the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I have two
things for every soul: Mercy and the other Justice. Contemplate Me
in the state of ignominy. Implore mercy for souls. Do not waste any
of these precious times. Sooth My anguished heart. I beg for prayers.
Many believe in Me but few believe in My Love. I address My
appeal to all souls. I want to reign over them. Led by My..., many
souls are on the way to perdition. Many of them do not think of my
feelings. The souls I love so much do not heed My love. My love
towards them is so great that I am consumed with desire for them
all. In the Sacrament of My love I am ridiculed and spat upon and
completely abandoned. They long to abolish My Presence. They do
all they can to frustrate the designs of My love for them.

Copyright © 2015 Bishop Cornelius K. Arap Korir, Catholic Diocese 
of Eldoret, Kenya. All rights reserved. 
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ON THE EUCHARIST:A DIVINE APPEAL (Revelation to Sr Anna Ali of the Most Holy Eucharist) VOLUME II What More Could I Have Done For The Salvat...